

Sringaraprakasha of Bhojaraja (1-25, 26-36 Prakasa; Vol. I & II) – Critically edited and corrected in crown size pages 2086, with introduction and index of about 7300 verses.

Published jointly by Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA), New Delhi and Kalidasa Sansthan, Varanasi in 2007.

It contains elaborate subject index and introduction in English.


  • Set 181-85503-13-3
  • Vol I – 181-85503-14-1
  • Vol II – 181-85503-16-8

Total Pages

  • Vol I – 1039
  • Vol II – 1031


Sringaraprakasha – (Vol I & II) – Critical edition of the encyclopedic work on Sanskrit poetics with 36 chapters and more than 7000 citations from various treatises. In contains unlike earlier editions –

  1. detailed contents of each chapter in both he Volumes- I I (1-14) and Volume II (15-25, 25-36) separately.
  2. In 141 Sanskrit verses, next to this introduction, Bhojarajasamstava – gives introduction to King Bhoja, which had been overlooked in earlier editions.
  3. The chart of the manuscripts consulted with their original photos with Bhoja’s Saraswati.
  4. The text of SP is critically edited with footnotes on errors found in the editions of HOS and Josyer.
  5. It contains separate appendices for both the volumes. The Volume I (1-14 Prakasa) contains text in pages 860 along with appendices for authors and works quoted, variant readings in Prakrta of Dr. Raghavan and Dr. V.M.Kulkarni and verse-index.
  6. The Volume II of SP(15-25 & 27-36 Prakasha) contains pages 769 i.e. from 861 to 1629 along with appendices – the 26th Prakasa composed afresh by the present editor, index of authors and works quoted in the text, variant readings of Prakrita verses according to Raghavan and Kulkarni and the verse-index. Text of both volumes printed in 1629 pages of royal size.
  7. The verse-index in both the volumes contains record of as many as 7389 verses in all. 4887 of these are illustration verses in Sanskrit and 1104 Karikas and 1394 Gathas in Prakrit.
  8. The editor has given his own views in the verses composed at the end of each chapter. These verses are not added to the verse index.
  9. Chapter no. 26 is announced missing by both the editions, but the present editor has expressed the possibility of error of scribes and suggested that the 15th chapter may be concluded with the description of Nayika and the remainig portion, viz., the description of Nayaka, may be given or considered as the 16th Chapter. This way the 25th Chapter would become the 26th. Still space for the 26th chapter has been left blank in the text.
  10. Photocopies of original manuscripts (Mss) of Tripunithura and Chennai are displayed for the first time. One may see they all are prepared in the scripts of southern India. M.M.Kuppuswami Shastri got the above Mss. transcribed in Nagari script in 1921-22 and handed it over the entire material to the Govt. Oriental Manuscript Library, Chennai, wherein it is given accession number R 3252.  The Photocopy of the transcribed copy is also obtained and used for the present edition. The present editor needs the proper verification of  the copy 3252 with original Mss.
  1. The Mss. of Trivandrum is also a transcribed copy and the Ms. of Ujjain is the copy of a part of 3252 Ms. of Madras. This way it is proved that no new manuscript of Shringaraprakash is yet available.
  2. It is also a matter of sorrow that many of the original Mss. of Chennai and Tripunithura are damaged. As also the manuscript number 3252 is nearing fragmentation.
  3. The Prakrit has also been corrected in this edition, with the help of Dr. Vaman Mahadeva (V.M.) Kulkarni’s work ‘Prakrt Verses In Sanskrit Works on Poetics’ published in the year 1988 by B.L.Institute of Indology, Delhi. In this work Dr.Kulkarni has given as appendix-1 Dr.H.C.Bhayani’s work on Apabhramsa Passages too. Dr.Kulkarni left some Gathas unattended with a note
    ‘corrupt and obscure’. Of them 16 Gathas have been corrected by Dr.Bhayani afterwards. They too were made available to me by



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