

Lyric poetry of 167 verses on the cultural, historical and religious importance of holy river Narmada.

First edition 1988, Second edition  2003 & Third edition 2010.

Published with Hindi Translation by Kalidas Sansthan, Varanasi.

Available with Hindi Translation

Total Pages 60



Sri-Rewabhadrapitham is a lyric written by Prof. Dwivedi in 1988. It contains a total number of 167 verses on the present day picture of holy river (Rewa) Narmada a spiritual, historical, legendry and physically existent immortal river. The poet’s village  named Nadaner is situated at the bank of the river in District Sihor of Madhya Pradesh. The poet depicts in detail the entire natural and physical beauty of the people of his village along with the minute features of the culture of that region. He has expressed his heartfelt devotion to the river by means of his poetry. The depiction of everything in the poetry is highly natural and deep-rooted.

In its introduction the poet has made an aesthetic assessment of the poems of Panditaraja Jagannatha and Ravikirti. He says that on one hand Jagannatha could not pay due honor to the divinity of holy river Ganga in his Gangalahari and on the other hand in his Aihole inscription Ravikirti is found inclined to the depiction of personal honor of Kumaragupta instead of the depiction of holiness of the gods and  land of that region. Unlike these two the poet gives full honor to the divinity of holy river Narmada and to the land situated in its vicinity. The poet highlights the importance of Narmada in each verse of the lyric. The poet has set a standard for all the time for poetic expression of the importance of any geographical place.


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